Washington, DC is on the Atlantic Ocean; Washington State is on the Pacific Ocean. 华盛顿DC在大西洋沿岸,华盛顿州在太平洋沿岸。
Hawaii, far out in the Pacific Ocean, is the Aloha State. 位于太平湖远方的夏威夷,则是阿洛哈州。
The great ocean of air which surrounds the earth is in a state of constant motion. 围绕地球的空气的海洋处于不断运动的状态。
In order to realize real-time wave simulation in virtual battlefield environment, a novel method was put forward to simulate ocean waves based on different sea state levels. 实践证明该方法能够实时模拟不同海况等级下的海浪运动,适用于对较开阔海面深水域的海浪模拟。
Samoa, the tiny Pacific Ocean island state, is travelling through time to improve its economic prospects. 太平洋袖珍岛国萨摩亚正在为了改善经济前景而进行时间旅行。
In contrast, winds blowing across the ocean toward the coast of a continent, as in the northwestern United State during winter months, have less effect on the coastal ocean. 相反,从(越过)海洋吹向大陆海岸的风(如美国西北部冬季的风),对沿岸海洋的影响较小。
Heavy winds associated with the storm brought down trees and power lines as the storm moved in from the Atlantic Ocean and across the state. 风速十分猛烈的这次风暴从大西洋进入并横扫佛罗里达州,刮倒许多树木和输电线路。
In this paper, two methods of energy in part and rational power spectrum are presented for establishing random ocean state model conveniently and efficiently. Simulation and analysis are taken for each other. 给出两种简便、有效的建立随机海浪模型的方法,即能量等分法和有理谱法,并对其进行了仿真与对比分析。
Waveform Parameters Design of HF Ground Wave Radar used for Detecting Ocean State 海洋环境监测高频地波雷达波形参数设计
In order to meet the requirement of the development of ocean engineering, especially the offshore oil/ gas exploration and production, the state planning Commission of China decided to establish a State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering at shanghai Jiao Tong University. 为了适应我国海洋工程事业发展的需要,特别是海底矿藏开发以及海底石油和天然气开发的需要,国家计委决定在上海交通大学建立海洋工程重点实验室。
The Ocean high technology plays a very important role in development of ocean resources, improvement of marine environment, and upholding of state sovereignty. 海洋高新技术对于开启海洋资源宝库、改善生存发展环境、维护国家权益具有特殊战略意义;
This device can work as a platform of ocean environment simulator in the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Acoustics. 本装置的完成为海洋声学国家级重点实验室构建了一个海洋环境模拟平台。
A Numerical Wide-Beam Sea Echo Model for HF Ground Wave Radar Ocean Surface State Detection 宽波束高频地波雷达海面回波谱的数值模拟
In this paper, details of the experimental equipment and measured method are introduced, and the parameter of the ionosphere condition and ocean state, such as wind direction and ocean current, are derived from HF Doppler spectra of the sea and land clutter. 介绍了获得海洋回波谱的信号处理方法,并由海洋回波Doppler谱计算了电离层状参数和风向、海流等海洋状态参数。
At the combinative regions of heterogeneity wetlands that were composed of river and ocean wetlands, or of river, lake and ocean wetlands, cities reached to the advanced state and the optimization of developing space, so it finally became modern international metropolis. 在河流与滨海或河流、湖泊与滨海等异质湿地结合部,城市因获得最优发展空间而具有高级的发展形态,成为开放性更高的现代国际都市。
Sensitivity of ENSO characteristics in a coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM to change of climatological background state 全球海洋大气耦合环流模式中的ENSO特征对气候背景态改变的敏感性
Wherefore, ocean energy conversion patents in State Intellectual Property Office of P.R. China ( SIPO) are searched and sorted. 文章对中国国家知识产权局(SIPO)专利数据库中海洋能专利授权情况进行了分类统计。
Especially in the interests of the ocean of the growing importance of highlight contemporary, countries through the many kinds of ways and means to ensure that the ocean security, safeguard the interests of the state and the purpose of it is imperative. 尤其是在海洋利益的重要性日益凸显的当代,各国为达到确保海洋安全、维护国家利益的目的多种途径和手段也是势在必行的。
Taking ocean management talents the State Oceanic Administration as a target, the paper sets up an estimation targets system and estimation model using Analytical Hierarchy Process ( AHP), and discusses the principle of the model, the setting of the targets and the application of the model. 选取国家海洋局海洋管理人才为目标,使用层次分析法(AHP),建立了评价指标体系和评价模型,并对模型的原理、各项指标的设置以及模型应用进行了探讨。
History has proved that the more attention to ocean a state pay, the more strong of the comprehensive national power. 历史已经证明,一个国家对海洋重视的程度,决定这个国家的综合国力的强弱。
So the study of ocean senior officers of the state and needs to be imperative. 因此研究远洋高级船员的状况和需求势在必行。
Based on above study, this theses pointed out the non-directly relevance between translational equation and propulsion plant of ocean reconnaissance robot, and proposed the chaotic anti-control method for ocean reconnaissance robot thruster device using time-delay state feedback exact linearization technology according to this conclusion. 根据研究指出了水下侦察机器人平动方程与推进装置之间的不直接相关性,并据此结论应用时间延迟状态反馈精确线性化技术提出了一种水下侦察机器人推进装置的混沌反控制方法。
So that to develop the ocean oil field has become one of the important strategies of state energy source. 海洋石油开发已成为国家能源战略的重点之一。
In the traditional mode, pirates of the definition of political leanings, depends on the city-state piracy, belong to the state behavior category as a political tool, pirates in the ocean for sea state assistance right position. 在传统模式,海盗的定义取决于城邦政治的倾向,海盗行为属于国家行为范畴,海盗作为政治工具处在了协助海洋国家争夺海权的位置。
Further explore the "Wild Ocean phase" and the "world state phase" as a traditional Chinese Taoist and Buddhist figure in the problems and phenomena, and its value, significance. 深入探索野逸相和世态相作为中国传统道释人物画中的问题与现象以及其价值、意义。
The ocean function mean the some waters is under the state of nature or currently appearance under this bottom function that ocean have, is the waters is applicable to various ocean development and uses demanding, inborn of the condition and the ability. 海洋功能是指某海域在自然状态下或目前状态下海洋所具有的本底功能,是海域适用于各种海洋开发和使用的需求的、先天的条件和能力。
The high frequency ground wave over-the-horizon radar can be adopted in detecting ocean state such as wind, ocean waves and ocean currents. 高频地波超视距雷达可以实现对海洋环境状态(如风、浪、流等海洋动力学参数)的监测。
As a large ocean state and the most populous country in the world, China cannot, without developing the oceans, maintain its sustainable development in society and economy and realize the strategic object of fulfilling the renaissance of the Chinese nation. 我国既是世界上人口最多的大国,也是海洋大国。保持我国社会经济的可持续发展,实现中华民族伟大复兴的战略目标离不开海洋。
Submersible vehicles play an important role in ocean exploitation, state security system and so on. 潜器在海洋开发、国家安全保障等方面发挥着重要作用。
HF ground wave radar as an important means of ocean remote sensing, not only can be used for parameters extraction of ocean surface wind, wave and current state, but also for hard targets detection. 高频地波雷达作为一种海洋遥感的重要手段,不仅可以用于海洋表面风、浪、流等状态参数的提取,还可用于目标的探测。